“There was nothing in my medical training to tell me how I should help the women.”
Natalia Lokhmatkina, doctor, St Petersburg, Russia

The Support Person

“Those four months changed my life.”

Paulina Bengtson
Runs Novahuset, a voluntary association which supports victims of sexual assault.

“Actually, I had a feeling straight away that something was wrong. He looked like someone from the Mafia, not at all as gentle as he’d seemed. But I was gullible and ignored my own warning signals. I was used to trusting people.”

The Course Leader

“I can’t un-do what happened to Maggie, but I can decide what I’m going to do with my life. The same is true of everyone who takes my courses.”

Susan Omilian
Works with abused women who want to thrive.

The Night Patrol

“I never think about tomorrow. I think about what’s happening now.”   

Ahmed Samy Ali and Khaled Abo-El Fadl.
What: Social workers who seek out street children.

In the front of the vehicle there are some seats and a table. On the table is a notebook. At the back of the bus there is an open space with a pile of newspapers in a corner.  

The Pioneers

“As far as the politicians are concerned, it’s a reality that doesn’t exist.”

Casa Amiga
What: Centre for support and advice for women who have been subjected to violence.

She was a retired accountant who settled in Juarez where, in 1993, she began to notice the many reports in the local paper of young girls who had been found murdered and raped. Why was this spate of murders not attracting any attention?

The Imam

“Sexual response is important. Mutual pleasure is good for the marriage.”

Hassanein Abdelhakam
What: Religious leader who has changed his opinion and is now oppose to genital mutilation.

The Men’s Network

“Maybe it was time to shoot a few men … ?”

Hans Hansson
Started the men’s network in Piteå and runs treatment sessions for violent men.

The Project for Equality

“Damaging women is like killing the roots of the tree.”  

Mathilde Muhindo
Former parliamentarian who runs a project to promote equality in villages in South Kivu.

The Home for Young Mothers

“We won’t hide the girls away, they have nothing to be ashamed of and they have rights.”

Hope Village Society’s home for young mothers.
What: Offers support and education to street children who have become pregnant.

The men’s movement

“Violence is about control. It’s the loss of control that triggers violence.”  

Alexander Gogolkin
What: Leads M21, which works both for greater gender equality, and with the treatment of violent men.  

The Therapist

Is your family more important than you yourself?

Maria Cristina D’Almeida Marques
Runs group therapy sessions and offers counselling to abused women.

“Someone who lives in a violent relationship loses track of time and appointments – in fact, of everything that’s going on around her,” says therapist Maria Cristina D’Almeida Marques. “A woman who is the victim of violence focuses on the man and his demands.”

The Conversation Group

“If he beats me I’ll leave him – or will I?”

Lise-Lotte Nielsen and Ann-Margret Fick
Social workers who lead conversation groups for abused women, organised by the social services.