A pair of breasts has more pulling power than a hundred carriages.
“I’m afraid, but I have to cope.”
Name: Wendy
Age: 34
My plan is to find a job where I can look after children, or work in a shop, but I can’t work in a factory because I can’t lift heavy things. I’ve developed osteoporosis, after all the pregnancies. I’ve got four children who are alive, and I lost one in the fourth month.
My husband beat me every time he was drunk, until I decided I’d had enough, for the children’s sake. They’ve seen too much violence. He beat the children too, especially our five-year-old. Now he’s threatened my mother; he’s kicked the door and said he’s going to kill us.
I’m afraid, but I have to cope for the children’s sake.
Maternal deaths: 51 deaths per 100,000 births.
Number of children/woman: 2.3 (2010)
Abortion legislation: Varies greatly from state to state. In Mexico City, a woman has the right to abortion until the 12th week of pregnancy, while in the states of Guanajuato and Querétaro abortion is punishable by 30 years’ imprisonment. ****
Law against rape within marriage: Yes
Violence against women in close relationships: Every third woman in Mexico is, or has been, subjected to violence in a close relationship.
Saying, Mexico