Nine out of ten married women in Egypt have undergone female circumcision.
About the project

Cause of Death: Woman is an investigative report on violence against women. One in three women around the world is subjected to physical, sexual or some other form of violence during her lifetime. Between 2010 and 2012 we examined the situation in ten countries. In each country we met women who had survived violence and people working for change. With the help of relatives we were also able to tell the story of a woman who had been killed. You can see the result at, where you will find 150 articles from all over the world. You can also download course material and a Do-It-Yourself exhibition.

The project is the work of Karin Alfredsson, Linda Forsell and Kerstin Weigl together with Unizon.  Funding was received from, among others, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Sigrid Rausing Trust.

The countries which are included in the project are the US, South Africa, Egypt, Sweden, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil, Congo, Spain and Russia.

Unizon represents over 130 women’s shelters, young women’s empowerment centres and other organisations working for a gender equal society free from violence. Unizon is not affiliated to any political party or religion. Read more at