“I was just three years old the first time a man took my pants off.”
Blessing, Johannesburg, South Africa

The Course Leader

“I can’t un-do what happened to Maggie, but I can decide what I’m going to do with my life. The same is true of everyone who takes my courses.”

Susan Omilian
Works with abused women who want to thrive.

The Instructors

“We help the helpless to be able to manage on their own.”

LAV (Laissez l’ Afrique Vivre)
Offers support and vocational training to young people  - rape victims, child soldiers and street children.

Eight young women sit bent over their treadle sewing machines. They have learned how to thread the machine and pump the treadle at the right speed to sew evenly and safely. Their first task is to sew a straight seam on a piece of paper.

Transit and Safety House

The women are so keen to learn.”

Maison Dorcas
Help Panzi Hospital’s patients who have been the victims of violence to make the transition back into society.

The Plastic Surgeon

“First it’s about saving lives. Then we can start to repair.”   

: Muhammad Mughese Amin
Operates on victims of honour crimes who have been burned by acid or mutilated.

Panzi Hospital

“Would a male lion destroy a female lion’s genitals? It’s unthinkable.”  

Panzi Hospital
Treats survivors of sexual violence and women with severe gynaecological problems.

Women’s Table

“What we see is a state which does not take responsibility for its people.”  

Mesa de Mujeres (Women’s Table)
What: Network of researchers and activists who investigate feminicides.

The Night Patrol

“I never think about tomorrow. I think about what’s happening now.”   

Ahmed Samy Ali and Khaled Abo-El Fadl.
What: Social workers who seek out street children.

In the front of the vehicle there are some seats and a table. On the table is a notebook. At the back of the bus there is an open space with a pile of newspapers in a corner.  

The Women’s House

“We give all the women a make-over; it helps them feel that they have become a new person.”

Sin Violencia
What: Takes in women from around 40 women’s shelters all over Mexico.

Family Justice Center

Police, food vouchers and child therapy in the same building.

Family Justice Centre
Has gathered all forms of support for victims of violence in close relationships under one roof: a One Stop Shop.

The Statisticians

“Mutilations are the worst.”

Aurat Foundation
Create the only statistics on violence against women by reading every word of the country’s newspapers.

The Police

“Have you got any children he knows aren’t his? Does he spy on you, or leave threatening messages?”

Family Crimes Division, Department of Police
Prioritise cases of violence against women.