As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.
“He said his fantasy was watching me with other men, but I knew he was taking money from them.”
Name: Alma
Age: 41
When we met, he was working as a security guard at a government agency and he had just been to pick up his salary. I had taken some video films back and was standing picking up some pecan nuts. He stopped and leaned against the tree to shake down some more nuts. The sun was shining, but it was chilly, and he was wearing gloves which he wanted to lend me. I was on my way to do some shopping and then I was going to take the bus back to my sister, but he said he could drive me and I didn’t think there could be anything wrong in that; he worked for the government.
We went to my sister’s first then we drove around. He made dinner for me and gave me wine with ice. Suddenly it was midnight. I called my sister, who was angry with me for not going home.
He used to invite swingers round and told everyone we were a liberated couple.
We became a couple, and everything revolved around sex. He used to invite swingers round and told everyone we were a liberated couple. This went on for three years.
He said his fantasy was watching me with other men, but I knew he was taking money from them.
His ex-wife had a daughter and he wanted his stepdaughter and me to be like sisters, and dress alike. He took us to the hairdresser and said we should have the same hairstyle. He wanted me to have sex with her. She was thirteen.
My husband and I were living in a caravan when our daughter was born. One day when I was changing her nappy I discovered that her anus was swollen and torn. By that time I had already realised that he was sexually interested in children. I’d seen images of child pornography on his computer.
One day when I was changing her nappy I discovered that her anus was swollen and torn
I called the police and told them everything. I told them I had had sex with his step-daughter but that I could never have imagined he would do it to his own baby daughter. I was charged with abuse and with neglect for not having protected my own child, and I was sentenced to 45 years in prison, which was reduced to 25. I served ten years and seven months of my sentence then I was free, but I was deported back here, to Juarez. I moved in with my brother, where the TV was on 24 hours a day. He started beating me and harassing me and I told a neighbour that I couldn’t take it, and she began asking round and her older sister helped me to come here.
I’ve learned to speak English so maybe I can get a job where you need to speak languages. Or I can get a job cleaning people’s houses. I want a quiet life.
Maternal deaths: 51 deaths per 100,000 births.
Number of children/woman: 2.3 (2010)
Abortion legislation: Varies greatly from state to state. In Mexico City, a woman has the right to abortion until the 12th week of pregnancy, while in the states of Guanajuato and Querétaro abortion is punishable by 30 years’ imprisonment. ****
Law against rape within marriage: Yes
Violence against women in close relationships: Every third woman in Mexico is, or has been, subjected to violence in a close relationship.
Saying, Sweden