The police arrive more quickly in the US if the call-out involves a man who has been subjected to violence by another man than if the victim is a woman in a partner relationship.

The School for Fathers

“The most important thing is that the men don’t need to feel they are alone with their questions, feelings and expectations.”

Sergey Zakharow
What: Child psychologist who holds courses for fathers-to-be. 

The Male Activists

“Sadly, we men have learned that we are worth more than women.

Antonio Agraz
What: Works in a men’s network for equality.

The Course Leader

“I can’t un-do what happened to Maggie, but I can decide what I’m going to do with my life. The same is true of everyone who takes my courses.”

Susan Omilian
Works with abused women who want to thrive.

Family Justice Center

Police, food vouchers and child therapy in the same building.

Family Justice Centre
Has gathered all forms of support for victims of violence in close relationships under one roof: a One Stop Shop.

The Home For Young Mothers

“When the girls begin to think about the future, about what they will do when they leave here, then we can stop worrying.”

Abrigo Rainha Silvia
Offers protection to young women who are pregnant and victims of violence.

The King

“I don’t want my daughter to be a ‘good girl’.”     

Kgosi Mabe
Uses his position as tribal king to work against violence against women.    

The men’s movement

“Violence is about control. It’s the loss of control that triggers violence.”  

Alexander Gogolkin
What: Leads M21, which works both for greater gender equality, and with the treatment of violent men.  

The Researcher

“It is still the woman who is given the blame. People say it’s her responsibility to hold the family together.”

Natalia Lokhmatkina
What: PhD in the study of abused women in the Russian healthcare system.

The Doctors

“No-one really knows how to circumcise a woman.”

Magda Adly and Joseph Kamel.
What: Magda works with rehabilitation of victims of torture and violence in the home, and Joseph is a local doctor.  

The Statisticians

“Mutilations are the worst.”

Aurat Foundation
Create the only statistics on violence against women by reading every word of the country’s newspapers.

The Pioneers

“As far as the politicians are concerned, it’s a reality that doesn’t exist.”

Casa Amiga
What: Centre for support and advice for women who have been subjected to violence.

She was a retired accountant who settled in Juarez where, in 1993, she began to notice the many reports in the local paper of young girls who had been found murdered and raped. Why was this spate of murders not attracting any attention?