“I’ve heard my daughter can grow a penis if she is not circumcised.” 
Howayda, Minya, Egypt

The Home For Young Mothers

“When the girls begin to think about the future, about what they will do when they leave here, then we can stop worrying.”

Abrigo Rainha Silvia
Offers protection to young women who are pregnant and victims of violence.

Panzi Hospital

“Would a male lion destroy a female lion’s genitals? It’s unthinkable.”  

Panzi Hospital
Treats survivors of sexual violence and women with severe gynaecological problems.

The Lawyer

“Sometimes I sit in the courtroom and hold her hand, or stroke her back. I don’t want her to feel she is alone.”

Susanne Croné-Morell
Is the victim’s own lawyer – the plaintiff’s lawyer.  

The Instructors

“We help the helpless to be able to manage on their own.”

LAV (Laissez l’ Afrique Vivre)
Offers support and vocational training to young people  - rape victims, child soldiers and street children.

Eight young women sit bent over their treadle sewing machines. They have learned how to thread the machine and pump the treadle at the right speed to sew evenly and safely. Their first task is to sew a straight seam on a piece of paper.

The Doctors

“No-one really knows how to circumcise a woman.”

Magda Adly and Joseph Kamel.
What: Magda works with rehabilitation of victims of torture and violence in the home, and Joseph is a local doctor.  

The Police Stations

We needed special stations and police officers who were trained to listen and understand.”

Women’s police stations
Handle reports to the police and investigate crimes which affect women in relationships.

The Police Commissioner

“The turning point was 2004, with the new law on violence in the home. Violence against women was no longer a private matter.”

: Adolfina Prieto
What: Heads LIBRA, the special police unit which combats violence against women and also offers survival courses to women who have lived with a dangerous man.

The Veteran

“I said I had two other options: I could become a beggar or a prostitute.”

Ana Maria Perez del Campo
What: Started a women’s shelter where the women stay for eighteen months. So far no-one has returned to her violent husband after her stay.

The Course Leader

“I can’t un-do what happened to Maggie, but I can decide what I’m going to do with my life. The same is true of everyone who takes my courses.”

Susan Omilian
Works with abused women who want to thrive.

The Psychologists

“When I started working I was naive, and my aim was to have families reunited.”

Elena Zolotilova and Tatiana Pavlova
What: Fighting to open the city’s first women’s shelter.


“The law protects victims of terrorism but not families like ours.” 

Carmen Sanchez and Ana Ortiz Salvador
What: Organise relatives of murdered women.